Our success stories

Our success stories are visual and current snapshots of our impact in Djebonoua and Boauke, showcasing the many innovations that youth can do. These inspiring success stories showcase the power of innovation, positive change, and support, offering motivation to anyone looking to improve their lives.


Our success stories are visual and current snapshots of our impact in Djebonoua and Boauke, showcasing the many innovations that youth can do. These inspiring success stories showcase the power of innovation, positive change, and support, offering motivation to anyone looking to improve their lives.

Targeted Impact


  • Professionalize the social entrepreneurship sector in Djebonoua and Bouake.
  • Strengthen the entrepreneurial capacities of young social entrepreneurs.
  • Promote a new model of social entrepreneurship in Djebonoua and Bouake.
  • Strengthen the resilience of social enterprises to enhance their contribution to economic development in the commune of Djebonoua and Bouake.

Targeted Impact


  • Professionalize the social entrepreneurship sector in Djebonoua and Bouake.
  • Strengthen the entrepreneurial capacities of young social entrepreneurs.
  • Promote a new model of social entrepreneurship in Djebonoua and Bouake.
  • Strengthen the resilience of social enterprises to enhance their contribution to economic development in the commune of Djebonoua and Bouake.