Seeking grant

Seeking grants and Philanthropy to Strengthen the Capacity Development of Djebonoua's Agricultural Producers

Context, Challenge, and Project Justification 

The farming population of the Djebonoua commune faces enormous difficulties in producing and marketing their agricultural produce. As the largest producer of tomatoes in Côte d’Ivoire, it is rare for production to be properly marketed to generate substantial income for farmers. According to a census carried out by the Fondation pour le Développement de Djebonoua, 65% of tomato and cassava growers are rotting in the fields due to a lack of training in proper transport and sales techniques. 

For the Réseau des Producteurs Agricoles de Djebonoua (Djebonoua Farmers’ Network), a project of the Fondation pour le Développement de Djebonoua (Djebonoua Development Foundation), this problem needs to be resolved quickly in order to improve farmers’ incomes. It is in this context that we want to launch the project to support the development of agricultural cooperative entrepreneurship in Djebonoua, in order to create innovative solutions to the difficulties that agricultural producers have been experiencing for over thirty years. According to a study carried out by the town council in partnership with the Réseau des Producteurs Agricoles de Djebonoua, over 95 percent of agricultural producers will benefit from the spin-offs of this project. 

There is therefore an urgent need to act in order to minimize the continuing negative consequences of the destruction of agricultural production. Our project ”Projet d’Appui au Développement de l’Entrepreneuriat Coopératif Agricole à Djebonoua” aims to test a new model of agricultural economic development focused on the fulfillment of agricultural producers. With this project, Bouake Council on Global Affairs and the Fondation pour le Développement de Djebonoua want to make a small contribution to the region’s economic development.

Proposed Solution

Bouake Council on Global Affairs joins the Fondation pour le Développement de Djebonoua to launch the Projet d’Appui au Développement de l’Entrepreneuriat Coopératif Agricole à Djebonoua (Project to support the development of agricultural cooperative entrepreneurship in Djebonoua) aims to help build the capacity of Djebonoua’s agricultural producers to improve local economic and social competitiveness. 

The project aims to build the capacity of agricultural producers, providing them with the knowledge to implement profitable solutions and the transport system to market their produce in urban areas. In the short term, this project will help improve farmers’ productivity and provide income to feed their families and send their children to school, while contributing to the fight against food insecurity in the region. 

Once up and running, the Projet d’Appui au Développement de l’Entrepreneuriat Coopératif Agricole in Djebonoua will be replicated throughout the Bouake region. 

Here are a few specific objectives: 

  • Support the production and marketing of agricultural products within our network.
  • Develop producers’ skills to enhance the professionalization of Djebonoua’s agricultural sectors.
  • Act as an interface between cooperative groups and public authorities.
  • Promote the cooperative movement to farmers, agricultural educators, consumers and distributors.
  • Promote the attractiveness of the Djebonoua commune, by providing access to useful information for anyone wishing to undertake or invest in Djebonoua.

Some specific projects: 

  • Formalize of the Réseau des Producteurs Agricoles de Djebonoua.
  • Creation of the Djebonoua Social Entrepreneurship Fund and Investir à Bouake to mobilize donations and capital investments to support social entrepreneurship and enterprise innovation in Djebonoua and Bouaké. 
  • Census and capacity-building for members of the Réseau des Producteurs Agricoles de Djebonoua and the NGO Chris Le Bon Berger, a cooperative of women cassava producers in Djebonoua.
  • Incapacitate our ‘’Community Radio for Sustainable Agriculture to tell farmer’s stories to boost them on the farm.

Local Project Team

Dr. Jean Narcisse Djaha, PhD


Eric Senga

Communication Director

Mayor Tengue

Local Project Coordinator 

Tengue Irene Tengue Irene

Présidente, Chris Le Bon Berger 

Kouame Ludovic

Project Director

Dr. Kone Zana

Impact Measurement

Gislain Kouakou

Project Advisor  

Coming soon


Strategic Advisory / Advisors

Dr. Jean Narcisse Djaha, PhD


Eric Senga

Communication Director

Gislain Kouakou

Strategic Advisory

Coming soon


Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

The Funding Need

We are seeking to raise grant funds to finance this 10-year project for a 10-year period (2025-2035). Projet d’Appui au Développement de l’Entrepreneuriat Coopératif Agricole à Djebonoua will improve the earnings of agricultural producers in the commune of Djebonoua. 

Total funding requirement: $ 5,000,000




Expected Impact / Outcomes

For agricultural producers 

  • Improve the income of 40,000 agricultural producers by 70% by 2035. 
  • Offer each producer personalized coaching tailored to his or her needs in the field at our Bouake Entrepreneurial School. 

For the commune of Djebonoua 

  • Improve the economic development results of town hall staff.

Point / Person of Contact

Jean Narcisse Djaha, PhD

Chairman, Head of Partnerships and Resource Mobilization at Djebonoua Development Foundation

President, CEO & Special Envoy for the AU, UN, EU, IMF, World Bank, and Multilateral Institutions at 

Bouake Council on Global Affairs

Tel : +1 703 200 4022 

Email : 

Website 1: 

Tailoring Factory

The Tailoring Factory is a training and clothing manufacturing project working with the Association des Couturiers de Djebonoua to create economic opportunities for young people. 

Our goal is to transform the lives of thousands of people in the next 10 years, creating substantial economic gains for art workers, and positioning them to flourish across international markets.

The Funding Need

We are seeking to raise US $5-US $10 million to realize this big project to create economic development opportunities for young men and women is both exciting and transformational.

The Challenge

An estimated 600 tailors in Djebonoua, Côte d’Ivoire needs a capacity development. In 2024, more than 90% of young people expressed their desire to access economic development opportunities, compared to 30% of tailors in 2021. 

These hundreds of people rely on their design capabilities to feed themselves, send their children to school, pay for better health services for their families, and have a better quality of life. 

The Tailoring Factory will manufacture clothes and many other items that will be sold in their ‘’online and physical marketplace’’ to benefit tailors and designers.

The Solution and Impact

Since 2024, Djebonoua Development Foundation has partnered with the Association des Couturiers de Djebonoua to build the Tailoring Factory to create economic opportunities for young people across the municipality of Djebonoua. Their vision is to transform the lives of thousands of people in the clothing design industry by 2040 by creating economic development opportunities for them.

The Future

The potential for Tailoring Factory to create economic development opportunities for young men and women is both exciting and transformational. As the unique and largest project of its kind in the region, Tailoring Factory presents a huge opportunity for the creative economy field. 

Their goal is to transform the lives of thousands of people in the next 10 years, creating substantial economic gains for art workers, and positioning them to flourish across international markets. With plans to expand in Tiebissou and Toumodi, it aims to become a multi-million business by 2035. This will help reach our target of creating economic development opportunities for more than 1 million people by 2035. Young people will each receive adequate support and tailored growth opportunities to scale their solutions and realize an even greater impact of their ground-breaking work.

The Future

The potential for Tailoring Factory to create economic development opportunities for young men and women is both exciting and transformational. As the unique and largest project of its kind in the region, Tailoring Factory presents a huge opportunity for the creative economy field. 

Their goal is to transform the lives of thousands of people in the next 10 years, creating substantial economic gains for art workers, and positioning them to flourish across international markets. With plans to expand in Tiebissou and Toumodi, it aims to become a multi-million business by 2035. This will help reach our target of creating economic development opportunities for more than 1 million people by 2035. Young people will each receive adequate support and tailored growth opportunities to scale their solutions and realize an even greater impact of their ground-breaking work.

Call to Action

Do you want to help fund this project?

If you are interested in learning how your organization could help us fund this project to create lasting impact in Djebonoua and Bouake, please get in touch with our leadership to discuss our partnership levels of funding. 

Together we can do something.