Social Innovation

Working with social innovators

Working with social innovators across Djebonoua and Bouake to develop, test, and launch competitive solutions. The goal is to increase private sector support for social innovation. By accelerating innovation, our main mission is to leverage the power of global philanthropic investments to enhance innovation and provide women and men with the resources they need to improve the state of the local economy.

As the region’s population continues to grow, so does the need for finding innovative entrepreneurial and financial solutions to address our most pressing social challenges. Our social innovation projects receives support and guidance from a consortium of philanthropic funders, family foundations, and people of goodwill

Working with social innovators

Working with social innovators across Djebonoua and Bouake to develop, test, and launch competitive solutions. The goal is to increase private sector support for social innovation. By accelerating innovation, our main mission is to leverage the power of global philanthropic investments to enhance innovation and provide women and men with the resources they need to improve the state of the local economy.

As the region’s population continues to grow, so does the need for finding innovative entrepreneurial and financial solutions to address our most pressing social challenges. Our social innovation projects receives support and guidance from a consortium of philanthropic funders, family foundations, and people of goodwill

Targeted Impact


  • Professionalize the social entrepreneurship sector in Djebonoua and Bouake.
  • Strengthen the entrepreneurial capacities of young social entrepreneurs.
  • Promote a new model of social entrepreneurship in Djebonoua and Bouake.
  • Strengthen the resilience of social enterprises to enhance their contribution to economic development in the commune of Djebonoua and Bouake.